Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Night At The Hotel. Episode II

The Night At The Hotel (Episode 2)

I was glad to indulge in healing myself, having the flu could be very annoying you know?  I ate and filled my belly up, my appetite didn’t take the slide in this case and I was glad about that, I took my prescription and switched on my mac, I copied the address and map description of the hotel the Triple H and mailed it to my siblings, I also sent one to myself, studying the hotel’s location I figured it wouldn’t be difficult to locate. I decided to notify my siblings with a text to them that I had sent a mail to them and were to copy the mail to their phones too. Some few minutes later I felt a little bit sleepy, I guessed it must had been from taking those drugs, I thought about calling my boyfriend but changed my mind, he hadn’t returned my calls after the previous. Imagine me with the flu over here and he doesn’t even have the slightest idea if I was dying at the moment or not, I decided not to get upset so I slept off.

For three days I stayed at home nursing my flu, he still didn’t call me, I was so tempted to send him a breakup text, I checked on my cosmetics store and got a list of the needed stock written down, my eldest sister called me shortly that she would handle the kids and the help would certainly come with us to look after them if they became a handful, I agreed to this, I had missed those little rascals anyways, she would notify the rest as soon as she’s done talking to me, I told her about my flu and nothing about my boyfriend just because I knew she would certainly ask me to call him to probably apologize for what I had no idea of, I told her about the medication I was on and that I had gotten better on taking them, we exchange more pleasantries and hung up. I also called my agent to finalize on my new job and she told me all I needed to know, the needed costumes and makeup would be provided, as for the price she wasn’t certain and she promised to get back to me on that, just like any other employer they were always finding it difficult to agree on a certain price, bargaining with them could be stressful, I told her about my flu and promised to be fine before the day of the job came, she sounded concerned and told me to be sure I met up with that date. I thought I was done with all the calls I needed and started my online shopping for the stock that needed replacing at my store, I hopped that I would feel much better by the next day to see for myself the activities of the store and also do the necessary checks and balances there, I wouldn’t want to get ripped off, God forbids..

Saturday came like it had already been missed, I was feeling very much better and was happy about my monthly outing with my family, “Who needs some annoying boyfriend when you’ve got a loving family?” I thought to myself, if he didn’t care then I don’t, four months old relationship was almost nothing to me, besides I heard doctors are some promiscuous beings, I heard they chase their nurses in skirts all over the building while their supposed to be working with their patients. For once I didn’t regret the fling I had days ago, the guy was all worth the fun. I almost jumped out of bed when I checked my table clock, I would be late if I didn’t get ready soon, I called one of my siblings and told them to go ahead with the convoy, I was very sure I cold locate my way to the Triple H, she didn’t sound sure about that but I only assured her and gave her the info on the accommodation I had reserved for us and hung up. I sped to bathroom to take my bath. Thirty minutes later I was cleaning my flat shoes, I wanted to be comfy and stylish too, I could meet someone special you know? I checked myself  and my casual tight pair of jeans and a simple cream shirt outfit out in the mirror and thought “Girl, you are damn fine”, smiled and blew a kiss at myself, I was already running late though. I rushed out to my car and sped off.
The forty-five minute drive turned out to be an hour journey, I had missed my way twice but I found the hotel though, I called my eldest sister as soon as I got into the drive-through to the hotel Triple H, she told me to meet her up at the bar in the hotel. I checked my fine face out one more time and returned the mirror back to my purse, I stepped out of my car and stared at the hotel, it looked just like an old but well cared for building, I gave the hotel a good look and to tell you, there was nothing out of the ordinary with this hotel Triple H, God help them if they had lied on their website…….. to be concluded next week

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